Sunday, August 12, 2007


ok i;m super grumps this whole week .

Being in spore has raised my blood pressure, increase my risk of getting a heart disease and also is killing my liver. ok enough complaining and get on with it.

This weekend i went to watch a lesbian play, The secret and rush hour 3.

IN WHICH all made me even more grumps.

Lesbian play - hitting on woman

i think it was ok but i dont really like how they portrayed lesbians.. or crook relationships

always distructive, always controlling abit siaow(siao)( just for someone who dislike w's in siao ).. hahah but i knoe that this particular relationship is about an abusive one but i still think that it gives lesbians a bad impression or more like lesbian relationships..

the secret .. throughout the movie i kept rolling my eyes... hahah firstly everytime jay chou makes a "cute" remark all the jay chou fansie ... will giggle is damn disgusting lah hhaha but i must say his acting did improved but his directing ... urrr he should just stick to singing ..the whole movie seems like all his MTVS combine together and then just photoshop the same girl in to the movie .

Rush hour 3 - not my idea my parents..
they win the - try to hard to be funnie award.

Hopefully my week gets better. Hopefully i can curb my ______ . I need to .


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